Thursday 2 June 2011

Choosing Keywords for SEO ( 3rd tip to increse u r trafic)

Choosing Keywords for SEO

5 Biggest Mistakes When Choosing Keywords for SEO


One of the most important things when optimizing your website for search engines is the keywords that you choose. Keywords are like the foundation of a house, if you don’t get it right the entire house crumbles. Targeting the right keywords will set yourself up for success; targeting the wrong keywords will drive useless traffic to your website making your site fail to convert for your target audience.
Once you have identified your keywords you will need to incorporated them throughout your entire website design so that you can ensure that Google and other search engines can determine how relevance your website is to the targeted keywords you selected.
Some of the mistakes you should avoid when choosing your keyword phrases are:
  • Targeting individual keywords: Remember only choose converting keywords (KW). For example “computer” computer isn’t a converting keyword, a better choice would be “Laptop computer” or an even better KW would be an exact model of the laptop you are selling.
  • Targeting too many keywords: Two keyword phrases is a good rule to stick with. Remember when Google spiders your website the more words you give it the harder time it will have determining the relevance.
  • Targeting Stop Words: Some examples of stop words- about, above, inside, everything, useful etc.
  • Targeting keywords that are too broad: Remember whatever KW’s you decide on need to be converting KW’s. They need to be words that are going to solve your potential clients problems. Remember you are going to be investing time in creating a site designed around these keywords; you don’t want to make the mistake of choosing broad keywords that doesn’t convert.
  • Not using different variations of the keywords: You may have found high traffic KW’s using a keyword research tools, but the estimates provided by the tools often group similar KW’s, alternate spellings into a single word. Great traffic is usually hidden when using keyword research tools tools.
Make sure you avoid the 5 common mistakes listed above when choosing your keywords since the keyword selection is the foundation for your website’s success when ranking in Google.

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